Data Policy


This Data Protection Policy outlines how Space Gym Bath (Space Premier Fitness) collects, uses, stores, and protects personal data. This policy applies to all members, employees, contractors, and partners who handle personal data collected by the gym.


Data Collection

We collect personal data to provide and improve our services, manage memberships, and ensure the safety and security of our members. The types of data collected may include:


Personal Information: Name, date of birth, gender

Contact Information: Address, email address, phone number

Health Information: Medical history, fitness goals, emergency contact details

Payment Information: Credit card details, billing address

Usage Data: Attendance records, class bookings, usage of facilities


Legal Basis for Processing

The legal basis for processing personal data includes:


 Consent: Members provide informed consent when they join the gym or sign up for classes.

Contractual Necessity: Processing is necessary for the performance of membership agreements.

Legal Obligations: Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Legitimate Interests: Improving services, ensuring safety, and managing operations.


Data Usage

Personal data collected will be used for the following purposes:


Membership Management:  Registering members, managing accounts, processing payments.

Service Improvement: Personalizing fitness plans, improving facilities, conducting surveys.

Communication: Sending notifications, newsletters, promotional offers.

Safety and Security: Ensuring member safety, managing emergency situations, preventing unauthorized access.


Data Storage and Security

Personal data is stored securely in our electronic systems and physical files. We employ industry-standard security measures, including:


Encryption: Encrypting sensitive data in transit and at rest.

Access Controls: Restricting access to personal data to authorized personnel only.

Regular Audits: Conducting regular security audits and risk assessments.





Data Sharing and Disclosure

We do not share personal data with third parties except:


Service Providers: Trusted third parties who assist in our operations (e.g., payment processors, IT service providers) and are bound by confidentiality agreements.

Legal Requirements: When required by law or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our members and staff.


Data Retention

Personal data will be retained for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law. Data will be securely deleted or anonymized when no longer needed.


Data Subject Rights

Members have the following rights regarding their personal data:


Access: Request access to their personal data.

Rectification: Request corrections to inaccurate or incomplete data.

Deletion: Request deletion of their personal data, subject to legal constraints.

Objection: Object to the processing of their personal data.

Restriction: Request restriction of processing under certain conditions.

Portability: Request transfer of their data to another service provider.


Requests to exercise these rights should be directed to Mark Lamputt.


Policy Review and Updates

This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in our practices or applicable laws. Significant changes will be communicated to members before they take effect.


Contact Information

For questions or concerns about this Data Protection Policy, please contact us at:


Space Gym Bath

7 Hayesfield Road,



United Kingdom




By adhering to this policy,  Space Gym Bath ensures the protection of our members' personal data and compliance with relevant data protection regulations.